hardliner|hardliners in English


one who adheres strictly to his ideas or opinions, one who refuses to yield

Use "hardliner|hardliners" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hardliner|hardliners" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hardliner|hardliners", or refer to the context using the word "hardliner|hardliners" in the English Dictionary.

1. Igor Rodionov, often described as a hardliner opposed to democratic reform.

2. Yesterday's clear-out removed the last of the hardliners from the politburo.

3. Mahmoud Zahar, more of a hardliner within Hamas, has called for conciliation too.

4. It seems the President has given way to pressure from the hardliners.

5. The significance of equality of sexes was merely advocated by ideological hardliners.

6. Since then, factions of moderates and hardliners have battled within the movement.

7. The nationalist hardliner Vojislav Seseslj, who controls a large block of seats, refused to take part.

8. The culture minister, Limor Livnat, a hardliner from the ruling Likud party, upped and fled.

9. But it is hard for it to turn on Mr Chen without alienating its own hardliners.

10. The fragile peace was hanging by a thread as thousands of hardliners took to the streets.

11. Afterwards liberal deputies expressed their relief that things had turned out as they had, while hardliners were correspondingly downcast.

12. The two December marches by right-wing women were important public relations exercises in support of hardliners in the government.

13. Given the results of the vote, is this the end of the road for the hardliners in Congress?

14. The only victors in a head-on clash between the president and the assembly would be the hardliners on both sides.

15. • Indeed, it was not at All clear that Eisenhower and Khrushchev could control the hardliners in their own countries

16. Reformists, closet-reformists and non-party intellectuals gathered in his home, feeding him their ideas and plotting against hardliners.

17. The Prime Minister has been criticized by hardliners in his party for giving away too much in the treaty.

18. 16 Some economists said it was a sign that the hardliners were in retreat and the ECB was becoming more dovish.

19. 15 But some observers are questioning whether the display of military power will simply galvanise the hardliners inside the isolated country, he says.

20. 6 Those with a more dovish or liberal attitude have supported dialogue while hardliners are invariably content to solve issues with force and violence.

21. 13 Our hardliners call it appeasement to feed them when actually it is far cheaper to do so than to loose the dogs of war.

22. Palestinian leader Arafat earlier also called for "no more wars, " and expressed his belief that he can reach a peace agreement with the hardliner Israeli Prime Minister Sharon.

23. The parliamentary committee blames a former Tehran prosecutor, who had a reputation as a hardliner, for insisting the detainees be sent there despite being warned about the conditions.

24. Mr Eroglu, a nationalist hardliner who opposes reunification with the Greek part of the island, took 4% of the vote, while the incumbent, Mehmet Ali Talat, trailed with 8%.

25. The document, dated Monday, came from an office led by Mohammed Ghneim, a Fatah hardliner and the party's number two, who returned to the West Bank only this year after many years in exile.